Acerca de Geovanny A. Barrantes

Con más de 40 años de ministerio, mi pasión es compartir el mensaje transformador de la palabra de Dios y guiar a otros en su relación con Jesús.

woman sitting on ground while opening book
woman sitting on ground while opening book



Testimonio de fe

Milagros y bendiciones

Galería de Fe

Momentos de transformación y milagros en el ministerio cristiano.

religious concert performed by a band on stage
religious concert performed by a band on stage
woman standing while facing on body of water
woman standing while facing on body of water
boy reading Holy Bible while lying on bed
boy reading Holy Bible while lying on bed
woman sitting on brown bench while reading book
woman sitting on brown bench while reading book
man sitting on chair holding and surrounded by people
man sitting on chair holding and surrounded by people
woman praying beside tree
woman praying beside tree